The UN's enforcement capabilities regarding decisions and sanctions of alleged Charter contraventions is limited by virtue of economics and political will.

Respect and Honour become victims of the more sober realities of collateral damage ... of nationhood leverages tied into UN operating budgets / of nations withholding their dues payments until they accomplish a desired agenda.

Today, the world is no more relieved of hostile and illicit military invasions (occupancies) than in previous realms of history. This time, however, there is the significant difference of global communication technologies - AND, the evident fact that individuals are recognizing and engaging in collaborative social functions; where the econo:political magnates have yet to appreciate that people on Earth are gravitating into one cohesive tapestry of Peoples. The OIPC Grand Council image collage clearly depicts this evolutionary trend toward favouring social interaction versus overt hostilities. War and aggression will not vaporize into bad memories of needless nation-to-nation em-battlements. Realities of banker agendas, famine, socio-pathic leaderships, and, just plain dumb ignorance will ensure the arms dealers a healthy future - as will the production and distribution of non-prescription drugs continue to invade communities; and, to relegate the brighter futures of these balkanized communities into the plagues of domestic violence.

Hence, the credentials challenge against Canada's continued UN membership is a focus toward Peace Trust & Friendship. Truth in favour of common sense; of respect for the integrity of Custom Law; and, in particular, of the professed integrity of the nation figurehead : the Monarchy : is the stated Mission Agenda.

Where in the world shall Peoples live toward the brighter visions of tomorrow if the fundamental constitutional substance of a nation Canada is founded upon the original harvesting of innocent children into intellectual deceit (Indian Residential & Day Schools); and, now through the evident incarceration of these victims and their families ...

How vile is a nation's ethic to become before the world turns their national backs against such practices - legions of violations of duties of care that confound and contravene the international fundamental principles of the rights of the individual ?  ...  And, in the case of Canada's monarch : of evident specific breach of law violations of the Coronation Oath : "...to protect and preserve all of the customs and traditions of all of the peoples of the dominion ... in justice and mercy ... so help me God ..."